Spend a day with me, Change your life
Activate Your Evolution ~ The Defining Piece is here
Step into your true fulfilled self, Be Uplifted Body, Mind & Spirit
Experience this unique breakthrough in healing, wellness and intentional living. You deserve to feel your very best, young and vibrant. Open to a new clearer and balanced future for yourself and those around you.
Connect you with your core potential. Experience new techniques, tools and methodsthat will propel your life quality. Combining and sharing scientific facts and divinely guided information is at the heart of this extraordinary day.
The Intentional Wellness Experience™ is place where you can learn to feel more love, joy and inspiration. A place where something more in life, is found. It is the marriage of science, higher consciousness, health and wellness. Achieve your innermost goals and transform your life in positive ways.
Sheila Z Stirling has been to the other side and now shares channeled information. She is a gifted intuitive and energy specialist that offers a unique blend of science, and esoteric teachings.
"You can live the life you have dreamed, A life of Wholeness, Wellness and inspiration"
-- Sheila Z Stirling
The Intentional Wellness Experience™ is an 8 hour interactive day which opens the doorway to taking charge of your own wellness and abundance in all areas of your life. Register Today.
By the end of the day, you will be empowered and will...
Have a greater understanding of the very mechanics of the cellular make up and how you can access your cellular
Know how your past may be effecting your future and how these cutting edge techniques can set you free.
See the path to effect your wellness and experience the healing force of sound and vibration.
Possess a greater understanding of the "law of attraction."
Gain tools to raise your frequency and re-align your cells.
Connect with your truest desires and be inspired to live your dream.
Invest in yourself. Global enlightenment and peace begins within you!