We now have the science to understand the connection between the brain and immune system. We now know how
emotion effects your health.
The mind- body connection is real and critical to your health, healing and wellness. It is your doorway to success in all areas of your life.
Step into what is extraordinary about yourself
with this 7 hour transformational Experience.
Experience Emotional Consciousness
the key to your life force and attraction.

Las Vegas, NV
Oct. 2, 2011
Learn the system that will set you
from regret, anger, grief and fear.
Learn to Clear Trauma from every cell
Gain immediate benefits.
Enhance your business skills.
Register now and save.
Now $179.00 reg $249.00
Lunch and all materials Provided.
"It is Alchemy of the Soul"
If you have an Intention to step into your highest vision, a readiness to reach beyond what you see as your limits, a willingness to become one, syncronizing your conscious and sub conscious. If you believe in the Open Wisdom available to you and all and have a desire to be your greatest dream then Intentional Wellness is for you.
"Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease "
Hippocrates, 460 to 357BC
The Intentional Wellness Experience™ is an accelerated teaching,
Life has programed you wether it is conscious or subconscious. The question is; what if you could re pattern and release the old program? What if youhad a system that would lift your frequency and activate a connection that allows you to re program that wich has held you back or created a block. Would that be a benefit to you?
You will learn and experience ZPHYSICS "Opportunity Retrieval Teaching™" (ORT). Clearing physical and emotional disturbances for the cellular core of your body.
Create more love, joy and inspiration and that includes more success in every area of your life.
A place where something more in life is found.